March '07
America East, Hershey, PA
ACCUFAST Show report
The annual America East newspaper show was dominated by software vendors. There were a few equipment guys, whose number was made up by some strapping machines, a labeler or two and the ACCUFAST ink jet printers. The hot ticket was the ACCUFAST LPx.
The show kicked off with a presentation by an ACCUFAST user. Staff from the Erie Times News discussed several innovative ways that they use to increase revenue. It was a real nuts and bolts affair and they told the audience that their ACCUFAST LPx was key to bringing additional thousands to the paper.
The Times News uses the ACCUFAST LPx to print Post it® Notes in house. These notes are then applied to various sections of the paper as needed. There are two huge advantages to this program. First, since the entire process is under control of the paper, the turn around from the sale of the ad to its appearance on the street is measured in hours. Second, new advertisers are drawn to the program since the notes are sold and applied by market area. Most of the note sales are regional, partial press runs.
The Times News' program is completely successful. The equipment has paid for itself and the note space has sold out month after month. For papers seeking additional revenue, the LPx provides a powerful solution. It lives up to its promise and does so with ease.
Digital Printing Opens New Revenue Stream for Regional Dailies.
ACCUFAST Leads the way!
Who: Advertisers new and old, large and small.
What: Messages keyed to the moment, the location and the prospect.
Where: On the front page for everyone to see and save.
When: At precisely the right time.
How: ACCUFAST LPx digital printing.
Savvy newspapers are taking advantage of the convergence of three technologies to offer new opportunities to their advertisers.
The Post it® Note has been around for ages and has become a recognized vehicle for the important, personal reminder. Just seeing a yellow sticky note gets your attention. Beyond that, the general population knows that all you have to do to save that message, until you're ready to take action, is to peel it from where it is and stick it where you want it to be. These are precisely the features that advertisers seek.
Digital printing has been gaining ground on many fronts. ACCUFAST pioneered the technique of ink jet printing on blank Post itŪ Notes.
Finally, by taking the technology from the sheet fed and applying it to the continuous world (roll or fan fold), ACCUFAST was able to create a simple digital printer that is capable of supporting production speeds typical of a newspaper operation. The ACCUFAST LPx is precisely the machine needed to take advantage of the opportunity that technological evolution has provided.

The daily newspaper has always been a "one size fits all" proposition. The first paper off the press looked exactly like every other, advertising was sold by the column inch and the message had better be something all "x" thousand readers could appreciate. With the LPx digital printing system tied to the paper's distribution, you can offer sophisticated diversity that exists nowhere else. Approach the market regionally with a guarantee that the message will be read. For example, a Ford dealer with three branches around town would benefit from inviting people into showrooms regionally. With ACCUFAST technology, he can do just that and the advertising salesman can sell a marketing program with the paper at its core.
It is important to remember that with Post it® Notes the message is meant to be saved. How long does an advertisement exist in a daily paper? Usually just the time it takes to read the paper. With Post it
® Notes the paper is offering advertisers a place of prominence, a particular message and an opportunity for the message to last in the market place.
These are sound marketing concepts that are generally foreign to newspapers and their ad salesmen. The idea pf printing labels on demand is something else that is new and different. Until ACCUFAST came along, a paper using front page labels would order up a run of pre- printed labels from a supplier, argue about the art, wait for the delivery and stick them on all of the individual press run regardless of the advertiser's primary market area. The reader would get the paper and if interested, attempt to save the label. He'd pull the thing off, tearing the paper and generally making a mess of both the paper and the message. This is a classic example of a good intention gone bad.

With an ACCUFAST's LPx digital label printer, Post it
® Notes are purchased blank and kept on hand. Advertising is sold based on timing, local distribution and creativity (a Christmas gift list for a jewelry store directed at husbands and meant to be posted on refrigerators). The ads are prepared in house and printed for the scheduled press run. Notes are applied based on distribution. The press run could be taken up by a number of small segments keyed to local businesses. The note typically acts as a coupon or an announcement and brings a temporary and enhancing message to the front page.
With ACCUFAST good intentions don't go bad. They remain as intended building lasting relationships between the paper, its advertisers and its readers.