America East '08
Hershey Report
ACCUFAST Show report
America East is, by far the easiest, simplest and most convenient show that we attend each year, or any year for that matter. Everyone is helpful when you need it, and stays out of your way when you don't. Perfect from an exhibitor stand point.
The other side of the coin is that the attendance seemed to be down, continuing a trade show trend that we've seen for several years. The airlines and the TSA make flying an actual pain - in the wallet, the neck and wherever else touch the seat. E. and P. articles are depressing to read as they chronicle the decline in newspaper earnings and voice mail has taken the sales process deep into the woods and shot it dead. It's tough out here.
The only company putting ink on paper at the show was ACCUFAST. Our LPx was up and running, printing Post it
® Notes for Front Page Advertising. Interest ranged from idle curiosity to something just short of amazement. In several instances, the folks grasped exactly what we were doing and actually began telling us where the machine could increase their paper's earnings, right down to the specific customers they wanted to call on and the reasons behind the call. Music to our ears, the folks in the industry are beginning to get our message.
There is nothing else like the LPx out there. You print your own Post it® Notes for front page advertising. This improves your service, lowers your costs and opens up a new revenue stream for the paper. Who else offers that? Only ACCUFAST, and it's not too good to be true, it's just a fact. ACCUFAST users make money from their machines from day one.
The other news at the ACCUFAST booth is that 3M, our supply partner, has reduced the blank note cost for ACCUFAST customers so that the finished product can be put on the paper for well under $10.00 a thousand. This just makes the profit margin greater, a lot greater.
We've got the process, the product and the supplies. We had a better message this year, and more people have come to understand our offering. All that remains is to get more folks in the aisles and more machines in the field.